The Art of the Australian Insult

Racist and backwards
May 26, 2009, 3:45 pm
Filed under: Business, National insults | Tags: , ,

“I would say that Australia definitely is different [from] the US. In many ways it was like stepping back in time.”

Former Telstra CEO Sol Trujillo’s parting shot to the country that never liked him, in an interview with the BBC. Prime Minister Kevin Rudd’s response to Trujillo’s departure was one word: “Adios”. Rudd has now been accused of being racist in referring mockingly to Trujillo’s Mexican ancestry.

Get Telstra to find Osama
November 12, 2008, 8:01 am
Filed under: Business | Tags: ,

“Bin Laden is at it again. Can this terrorist be so difficult to find? Why not get Telstra marketing to give him a call? They will find anybody and once they have he will surrender rather than tolerate constant calls to buy a phone plan.”

Michael Stanbridge Bonnet Bay, NSW, letter to The Australian.

“A baboon could have done the job”
October 2, 2008, 5:37 am
Filed under: Business | Tags: ,

“Some might say that a baboon in a top-hat would have done as good a job – but would’ve been much cheaper and wouldn’t have brought all his mates over to keep him company!”

Paul of Perth, comment, The Australian, on claims by Telstra CEO Sol Trujillo that he single-handedly turned the company around.  Many other readers suggest that the “Mexican” go home.